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Great show!
Love this Podcast! It is one of my top 3! I can not stop listening!

Thumbs up!!
Wonderfully written and informative. I am a resident of this county. It’s so good to know the ‘real’ stories of these folks

Shining the Light
This podcast is doing a great community service for Walker County, Alabama.

Love the format!
I love how they tell the story. I can’t stand to have to listen to the back and forth chit chat. This podcast has a great format and is executed very well.

Throughly enjoy listening! The podcast is very captivating and the very well told. You can tell her heart is in the research and investigation put into making it.

I absolutely love this podcast! Amber keeps you interested and gives so much information.

Great podcast
She cares so much and tells the stories great!

Excellent binge worthy podcast. Great voice and filled with valuable content.

Great pod cast
Enjoyed the podcast

Great Podcast
Love this show!

Eric and gypsy
I’m sure the mom (Toby) has a good idea of who it was. I wish she would say who she thinks it was that murdered Eric. I don’t think it was randy. I think that’s why he was murdered cause he was going to tell. Possible his brother. I’m from walker county right down the road from empire and I know how the county is.. love this podcast!

Great podcast but season 2 is dragging on...
I loved Season 1. I’ve been very interested in Season 2 also, until listening to the last two or three episodes. I think Tobbie’s story is very compelling but I’m tired of listening to her go on and on about numerous details that we have already heard. I love that you got Eric’s case in the hands of someone who will really investigate it but I’m losing interest the longer Tobbie talks.

I have been so touched by this story. Thank you for bringing attention to this tragedy. Praying there will be justice for the family.

Good job but tunnel vision
I think over all the podcaster doors a great job of presenting the information; however they develop tunnel vision on a single suspect very quickly to the exclusion of others.

Great Investigative Podcast!
This podcast is thorough and awesome! I love the no-nonsense approach and the narration is wonderful as well. This is one of those hidden gems that you stumble upon and are sooooo glad you did! Thank you for shedding light on this interesting and heartbreaking case!!

Toby is AMAZINGGGG!!!!

Love this Podcast
I live in Alabama so this is the best!! Good work

5 Stars 🌟 and then some: Best podcast ever!!!
This woman right here is; Awesome!!! Girl I’m so grateful to have u and ur team working on this case! I love hearing u talk about the things that may or may not have happened and getting to the bottom of things once and for all so that his mom Can finally begin to grieve if my a long time

Love it! Thank you for all the hard work!
I’ve read some of the negative reviews; don’t listen to them. This podcast is great. Very addictive. Can’t wait til the next episode. Thank you for all the hard work you’ve done helping get justice for this family.

Walker Co Sheriff
When is this position up for re-election? Why can’t the FBI get involved in this and the many other unsolved cases in Walker Co? Most of us are held accountable for the jobs we do everyday and it seems like accountability is taking a back seat in a lot of cases in Walker Co.

I’m from an hour away from Walker County and I’ve always been fascinated with the mysteries of this county, as I’ve heard how bad it is since I was really young. Pretty awesome job of shedding light on this stuff.

Such a great podcast! I am from Florida and hearing such corruption happening in counties such as Walker County is just alarming to myself and I’m sure many other! Prayers to the family. Can’t wait to hear or read this case has been solved!

Thanks for shedding a light on the corruption in Walker County. It’s about time someone did. Anyone that thinks it’s a great or safe place to live is living in their own fantasy world.

Time to file suit
Outrageous! Time to seek remedy through the courts. It’s obvious the county investigators are inept!

Thank You !
I’ve never been much of a podcast listener but I’ve been following you on Facebook since you started covering The deaths of Eric & Gypsy from the same County I live in . I want to say Thank You for all your hard work and dedication to this case, and I’ve also listened to all of the podcasts about Susan & Evan.. my heart breaks for all the family members! I’ve always said That Walker county was the closets Murder Capital to Cullman County! I’m so terrified if I even have to drive thru that County !

Addictive and informative.thanks for all ur hard work for these poor families

Done right
Amber and Mike go out of their way researching and verifying what is said in interviews. That is just one of the reasons you will hear true honest podcast to the best of their ability at Secrets True Crime. They give people their turn to tell their side of the story. No vigilantes here just victims wanting answers that they have been deprived of for almost five years due to certain lawenforcement personnel not doing their job. Most of My family have lived in Walker County all their lives 5 and 6 generations. I grew up here so I can tell you what it was like for me. There are wonderful people in this county. Amber is trying to help solve the horrific murder of my son Eric and his amazing dog Gypsy. If you get upset because they are making your communities look bad get real put yourself in my shoes and tell me what you would do if it was your child burned alive when there are people in these communities who know what happened but don’t tell. This is what gives communities a horrific name throughout the years. Silence speaks volumes. You want to change how people see your communities clean them up and start helping victims and their loved ones.

I really hope we can find answers here, this is so sad. This is a very well done podcast. Thank you for doing this!

I graduated with Eric.
It’s so sad knowing that the ones he trusted were the ones that watched him take his last breath. Eric was definitely a one of a kind. I hope he gets the justice that’s owed to him.

Eric deserves justice
So thankful someone is covering Eric’s murder! I hope his family sees justice done.